Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What do colours taste like?

Forget, "What is the meaning of life?" and "What is wisdom and how does one acquire it?" and other conundrums pondered by Aristotle and other great thinkers. Britta has one driving enquiry, a hunger for knowledge that cannot be abated, a thirst for deeper meaning that cannot be slaked... WHAT DO COLOURS TASTE LIKE!?!!?

For minutes upon minutes she pondered this riddle and devised a series of scientific experiments. Witness the greatness of intellect in motion, and be humbled as you remember that you too once faced this question before giving up answer-less.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

100% Cute

Do you know Britta Bean, Britta Bean, Britta Bean?

Do you know Britta Bean…who lives in Vista Village? (sung to the tune of “Do You Know the Muffin Man”, a favourite song of ours). While I don’t know the Muffin Man, I do know Britta Bean, and she’s one hundred percent CUTE! She’s such a joyous distraction that we neglect to update our blog.

What’s new in Britta-ville?

Well…she’s a rolie polie fourteen pounds now and four months old! She’s got muffin top on her legs; not to be cause for concern. We all agree that chub is necessary for babies to fall into the cuteness category.

Britta just may have teeth on their way b/c she’s all about drooling her way through the day. She’s discovered her thumbs! Now, rather than shoving her entire fist into her mouth, she delicately sucks on her thumb and finds it to be most enjoyable. Also…she’s discovered her voice! We have lovely conversations at change-time and at 3 am when she’s voicing her hunger.

Britta slept an entire nine hours through the night just last week; JOY! Now if only we could convince her to do it again; much like rolling over. Britta is on a “rolling over strike”; been there, done that. She doesn’t see the need to do it again, even if Mom and Dad assist and encourage!