Thursday, April 9, 2015


     Spring! The word somersaults across my tongue and leaps from my lips. Spring! How I've watched yearningly as the winter snows retreated across the brown lawn and allow the green shoots to nuzzle though. The girls, too, sense the change in weather and are keen to get outside and explore the wonders of dirt, stems, and sun-bleached wood. I dug out my DSLR to play around with the video.

     Britta took to the outside for an Easter Egg hunt this last weekend. We'd coloured the eggs together the day before and the first thing she exclaimed upon finding an egg was, "This is MY egg! How did the Easter Bunny get it out here?" She suspended her disbelief enough to ignore that the "Easter Bunny's" footprints looked suspiciously alike to her Dad's size ten hiker prints.

     Elsa stands, takes a step or two, and returns to the safety of quadruped movement. She can't stand to be crawling for long, though; there isn't enough to see, so up she pops again to crane her neck. She's bears a striking similarity to a Jefferson ground squirrel or meerkat, standing straight up and looking around wide-eyed before burrowing down on all fours to scramble to the next vantage point. Don't tell Kristine I've made that comparison, she will surely frown on comparing our youngest to the world's rodents.