Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bedtime Video

   After watching a few older videos of themselves, Britta and Elsa said the wanted to make a video tonight. Mom was playing for ballet, so we recorded this shout-out to some special viewers.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Swimming Lessons and Wear-able Change Pads

     November has rolled around again, sliding silently and chillingly into our yard and twisting the leaves from branches and replacing them with hoary frost. Britta and Elsa don't seem to mind too much; it's just a reason to get bundled up and look at something new outdoors.

     Britta helped out our friend, Nicole, as she was driving tractor during canola harvest. The size of the machine was intimidating, at first, but before she finished the ride, Britta was on the radio and behind the wheel. The next morning she was asking when she could drive tractor again.

     Elsa and Britta dressed up as kittens for Halloween and went trick-or-treating at the neighbours' houses. Britta quickly organized the haul of chips and candybars when they returned home. We only had 12 kids come around and Britta was completely devastated that she had missed handing out the candy. We carved pumpkins, too. Just to be sure that no one could mistake our faith -- Kristine had us carve a Jesus-themed jack-o-lantern.

      Britta is back in swimming lessons, or systematic-drowning, as I like to refer to them. I did a couple parent and child classes with Elsa last fall and the instructor kept praising parents who submerged their infant children wholly in the water and cooed, "Way to go! Hooray!" in the spluttering face of their child when they emerged. I guess, as the children get used to the feeling of drowning, they can react in a more level-headed way when they dive in.

     Elsa has begun a modeling career. She puts on any bit of clothing left around the house -- and occasionally bits of things that were never meant to be worn, with no consideration of what mom or dad says. It's that kind of laissez faire attitude that shouts to the world, "I'm a free spirit!"