Saturday, July 14, 2012

Canada Day - Two weeks ago!!!

This post is not in chronological order. As an aside, I'm trying to get Britta's first word to be 'chronological'. Everyone else may settle for 'mum' or 'dad' but I figure we should set the bar high in the syllable department.

For those of you who haven't heard, we moved from Red Deer to Spruce View on June 30, so getting organized for Canada Day took some doing. We might not have made it at all except the kitchen was still packed safely in boxes and there was a pancake breakfast on at the Hall. Kristine made threats against my health if we didn't make it in time. That doesn't sound like her, does it?

We had a marvelous breakfast of pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausages at the Hall before moseying on across the street to sit on the lawn at Norma's, the retired art teacher. The Spruce View parade came right by us and we saw floats pulled by tractors, small horses, big horses, even iron horses. The people on floats threw us candies and I called for extras from any of my students. In the end we gave all the candy to a rotund little boy who looked like he would savor it the most. By his wide eyes, you'd have thought he'd hit the lottery.

We had a BBQ lunch with Norma and her family. It was very kind of her to invite us as we were not together enough to bring anything.

I should mention that Britta's Canada Day shirt was purchased 11 months ago. Yeah, that's how we roll! We plan ahead, WAAAAAAAAAY ahead. Also, for some reason Canada Day gear is uber cheap in August.

We rounded off the day by watching the amazing fireworks display from our deck. I was nothing short of dumbfounded by the superb fireworks display put on by Spruce View. I expected a few bottle rockets and sparklers from the hamlet, but they brought out the big guns. I'm talking multi-coloured big boomers, screechers, and the ones that erupt into sparkles that trail to the ground below. Canada Day is THE day in Spruce View and people come from Sylvan Lake and Red Deer to see the fireworks. I would be surprised if Red Deer had a larger show. The fireworks lasted for nearly 15 minutes!

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