Saturday, February 11, 2012

8 Months

Dear Britta,

Has it already been 8 months since we welcomed you with proud arms? You seem to be growing every day. The days of cradling you are dwindling as quicksilver through my fingers, as you lean to grasp everything around you.

It has been 8 months and time has flown. Our little one is 8 months grown.

Today, she finished her first swimming course, Starfish, and looked resplendent in her swim diaper and frilly swimsuit, torn from the pages of a 1930's catalogue. Britta was best at back float and front float, though she also didn't seem to mind the dunking underwater. Blowing bubbles eluded her; she took more water in than a leaky canoe.

She has her two bottom teeth and is really loving solid food. Her favourite meal is avacado. She leans forward and swings her arms vigorously willing us to get the next spoonful in.