Saturday, April 28, 2012

Tum Drum

Tummy Tap from Joseph Amundrud on Vimeo.

Doom-da-doom Da-da-doom! As many people find out by middle age, a well-fed tum becomes a resonant drum. Britta may not reach her feet but she can slap her gut like a linebacker. Enjoy.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter

Hello everyone! Britta would like to wish you a Happy Easter. She is growing quickly and learning new things every day. She is making the da-da-da and mum-um-um-ums all the time. Last Saturday, she discovered she could wave her hands and one of her all-time favourite pastimes is to wave hello and goodbye to absolutely anything, even her dirty diapers.
She is sporting her two bottom teeth but others must be on the way with the volume of saliva which is pouring from her mouth. It's like an episode of the Ghostbusters with the toys and bric-a-brac that end up slimed. Who you gonna call?
Britta sends her love and wishes you all could play peek-a-boo with her. Happy Easter!